SEN Software
We Offer A Range Of Stimulating Software To Help Educate
This has been developed as part of a research project at the University of Wales in Cardiff. ReacTickles software provides an engaging and accessible computer environment for spontaneous imaginative play and learning. ReacTickles provides a series of interactive Tickles through which
children with autism and
other learning disabilities are
encouraged to use technology. Children can
develop mouse; keyboard; whiteboard; switch and screen skills whilst being
encouraged to communicate, to use
fine motor skills and to
work together.
The software also works well within mainstream early years settings enabling very young children to interact and learn to communicate as individuals and within small groups. Version 2 improves on installation, interface, creation of bespoke user interfaces, access to teacher and pupil resources and has been switch enabled to further increase accessibility.
A Special version is now available for use with the SMART table and comes with 10 SMART Table activities
Kidspiration software helps
children to develop their literacy; numeracy and thinking skills using proven visual learning principles. In literacy; Kidspiration
strengthens word recognition; vocabulary; comprehension and written expression. With visual maths tools;
children build reasoning and problem solving skills. Across the curriculum; Kidspiration supports personalised learning; allowing chldren to
express their creativity and thinking with pictures; words and numbers. This specialist software is Ideal for ages 4 to 9.
Call us now to discuss pricing for your SEN requirements:
01376 551021