College & University Furniture
Classroom & Lecture Room Furniture & A Project Managed Service.
Systembridge is a specialist supplier of high-quality furniture for all applications. This includes
furniture such as
-Classroom storage
-Whiteboards and screens.
-And all classroom / lecture room requirements
-Book shelving and trollies for the library, University reception area desks and tables, College and University dining & office furniture.
-Into: classrooms, break out areas, lecture rooms, IT suites, school offices, headteacher rooms & Halls
We provide the highest standards of service and understand the needs of FE & universities, whether refitting entire lecture rooms or simply trying to replace a damaged table or chair. Our entire range of school furniture complies with relevant regulations and we also offer 28 day terms as standard to all schools.
- Excellent education discounts available.
- Project managed service
To discuss your requirements, please call one of our friendly project managers on 01376 551021