Response Handsets
Lecture Room Interactive Response Handsets
Response Handsets Suitable For FE & university environments both in the classroom and lecture halls
-Also known as an interactive voting system, or interactive learning response system.
It is a system through which student participation is promoted during lectures or classroom lectures.
This system consists of one main teacher handset, ad a set of student handsets (normally 24 or 32 handsets), one handset receiver (which uses superior radio frequency technology) and response system software.
In an interactive lecture or classroom environment, the lecturer carries the main handset and each student has their own compact easy to use wireless handset. The lecturer asks questions from the audience and the students reply back through their personal handsets. The response software catches the students' response through the receiver and then generates a report in the form of table, graph, pie chart etc.
-We offer a full range of response systems, aimed at adult education to maximise a student's learning capabilities, monitoring & results.
Please call us now to discuss your requirements in greater detail & how we can help in your lecture rooms !
Purchase & rental units available at excellent education discounts - call for details: 01376 551021